Special Focus - Making Labs Greener

Axcess® MALDI-TOF for Microbiology Identification

Axcess MALDI TOF for Microbiology Identification
Axcess® Microbial Identification System

Principle: MALDI-TOF Instrumentation Combined with Accugenix Microbial Database

Automation: Yes

Suitability: Microbial Identification


The Axcess® Microbial Identification System features the precision of the Bruker MALDI Biotyper instrument with the industry-leading Accugenix® proprietary microbial libraries through a secure online network. The MALDI-TOF system for microbiology testing is the optimal solution for in-house microbial identification needs. The MALDI-TOF identification system instrument, combined with validated microbial databases, provides all the tools needed for accurate and fast organism identifications.

Key Points:
  • 1 target plate with 96 spots.
  • Pharmaceutical Application: Microbial Identification
  • Type/technology: MALDI-TOF Technology


Company contact details:

Charles River Microbial Solutions view full details
United States

Website: Visit Website
Tel: +[1] 877 274 8371

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