Neogen Petrifilm 40 Years Innovating Food Safety Worldwide

MyZol for TRizol

MyZol for TRIzom

Principle: MyZol beads bind to RNA in TRIzol reagent and are then efficiently removed and the RNA is then washed and eluted in TE or water. The method can be used manually or automated using HeiDi-Na or Kingfisher.

Automation: No

Suitability: Suitable for removing RNA from TRIzol reagent without the need for Chloroform. If you currently use TRIzol to extract RNA, you can swap to MyZol to purify the RNA in the TRIzol solution.

Capital equipment required: No


The MyZol Kit provides efficient RNA extraction from samples stored in TRIzol, including cells, viruses, tissues, and biological liquids. Utilizing MAGneat magnetic bead technology, the kit enables selective and reversible RNA binding, achieving superior yields compared to spin-column methods. Microzone’s proprietary buffers ensure the removal of contaminants, delivering high-purity RNA suitable for sensitive downstream applications.

Key Points:
  • High Purity – Proprietary buffers remove contaminants, ensuring high-quality RNA.
  • Superior Yield – Magnetic bead technology purifies more RNA compared to spin-column methods.
  • Fast Workflow – Complete extraction in as little as 45 minutes.
  • Automation Ready – Compatible with liquid handling systems and magnetic processors.
  • Pathogen Inactivation – TRIzol effectively inactivates a broad range of pathogens.


    ClinicalLaboratory EquipmentMicrobiomeVeterinaryWater
Company contact details:

Microzone Ltd view full details
West Midlands
United Kingdom

Website: Visit Website
Tel: 01384444585