CE Marked RT-PCR Test Detects Omicron BA.x, BA.2 and Delta variants of SARS-CoV-2

Eurobio Scientific have announced CE marking of its new proprietary test, EBX 048, Eurobioplex
SARS-CoV-2 Fast-SVT (Screening and VOC Typing
), developed́ specifically for routine COVID-19
screening and identification of current variants.

The proprietary EBX SARS-CoV-2 Fast-SVT is a RT-PCR assay that, in a single test, identifies the presence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and detect the K417N (Omicron variant BA.x sublineage screening), V213G (Omicron variant BA.2 sublineage screening) and L452R
(Delta variant screening) mutations in a qualitative manner. The presence of the V213G mutation thus allows the BA.2 sublineage to be differentiated from other sublineages of the Omicron variant.

This new test, designed and developed by Eurobio Scientific's R&D department, is produced in-house, in its premises in Les Ulis - France and follows the ISO 13485 regulatory process. It is available in several versions allowing 50, 100 or 200 determinations to be performed simultaneously.
While, in France and for the past week, the number of daily hospitalizations and the number of
admittances into emergency units rose by approximately 10%, while the number of positive COVID
tests increased by 77%,
EBX SARS-CoV-2 Fast-SVT is immediately available for hospital and private laboratories, both in France and internationally.

It is the first CE marked test able to specifically identify the BA.2 sub-variant which is currently involved in 92% of COVID infections in France, and to track the incidence of the L452R mutation, which, if rising, could signal a return to more severe forms of COVID-19.

Visit www.eurobio-scientific.com

Note: This content has been edited by a rapidmicrobiology staff writer for style and content.