Nissui Pharmaceutical has launched CompactDry™ TCR, an easy to use, ready to rehydrate, dry medium that can deliver Total Viable Counts (TVC) or Aerobic Counts after only 24 hours incubation (for rapid results) and after 48 hours incubation for more conventional results.
Features and Benefits include:
- Small and compact plates
- Ready to use and portable plate
- Sample diffuses automatically and evenly into the plate
- Easy to store: long shelf life at room temperature (1 - 30o C)
- Count after 24 or 48 hours of incubation
- Clear color development by redox indicator makes colonies stand out
- Good correlation with the conventional method (Plate Count agar after 48 hours)
CompactDry™ TCR is in the process of applying for AOAC PTM certification.