InnovaPrep Launches New Generation Concentrating Pipette

Concentrator Pipette for MicrobiologyInnovaPrep LLC, a developer of biological sample collection and sample preparation technologies, announces the launch of the Concentrating Pipette Select. The CP Select is the new generation of our popular Concentrating Pipette that was launched in early 2012 with 100 systems in use by leading government, industry, and research labs.

The CP Select is an automated, rapid bio-concentration device for modern microbiology. The system replaces centrifugation and enrichment methods as a front-end to microbial detection. It is highly efficient and effective for bacteria, parasites, molds, fungal spores and fragments, whole cells and viruses.

Fields of application include, but are not limited to: Pharma, water, and consumer products safety; industrial and environmental monitoring; human and animal diagnostic research; and bio surveillance applications.

The new system brings a higher level of efficiency and customization for users.

  • Added controls and precision components provide greater recovery of organisms.
  • Preliminary testing shows up to 15.9% improvement in efficiency, higher sample concentration, and lower elution volumes.
  • The system allows users to customize up to 15 sample preparation protocols with optional password protection.
  • Additional improvements include a streamlined maintenance protocol, new elution fluid volume display, and whisper quiet operation.

InnovaPrep’s 30 pending and awarded patents apply to highly effective collection, recovery, and concentration of biological particles from air, surfaces, and liquids. InnovaPrep’s Wet Foam Elution™ process underlies many of these patents and enables recovery of particles from filters, membranes, surfaces, and objects to greatly improve detection of contamination, spoilage organisms, and harmful pathogens.