Due to the increasing demand for natural and organic products in the cosmetics and personal care products industry, we have seen more nature-first cosmetics and personal care products ventures enter the market. These ventures guarantee high-quality products to their customers and promise the same of their production process. Quality Control is part of the production process and is, due to the low throughput, bound to using traditional methods – taking up to 7 days to get results thus delaying product release to the market. At PROMICOL we have created the Promitec 10 instrument to deliver results 5-6 days faster than the current traditional method for smaller throughput ventures. You will be able to measure single samples with the PROMICOL system.
The Promitec 10 is a compact and semi-automated instrument for performing single tests in the field of personal care products and cosmetics testing. The instrument runs with specifically designed software for automated data analysis, allowing a color-coded result interpretation. The measurement setup is very simple and the processing time is very fast (10 s per sample). All measurement data can be read on the computer.
The Promitec 10 is used together with a specially designed Microbial ATP Detection Kit for Cosmetics and Toiletries. Furthermore, there is no loss of reagents due to priming – required reagents are pipetted manually.
PROMICOL aims to develop a long-term relationship with its customers, built on trust, innovation, and expertise. It is our goal to provide a service that is in touch with the needs of your quality management and to your demands from rapidly changing markets, making ATP bioluminescence work for you, together with you.
Click here to visit the PROMICOL website to learn more or request information using the button provided below.