Rapid Screening for Pluralibacter gergoviae Using the RiboFlow P/En® Test Kit

According to a recent statement from the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) No. 038/2020, personal care and cosmetic products for topical use should be free from Pluralibacter gergoviae.

P. gergoviae is an opportunistic pathogen and facultative anaerobe from the Enterobacteriaceae group and, according to the BfR, is especially dangerous for those with a weakened immune system after surgical interventions and also for people with various pre-existing conditions.

Furthermore, P. gergoviae is known to be resistant to numerous biocides used to preserve cosmetics and in recent years there have been several product recalls listed on EU's Safety Gate (formerly RAPEX) due to P. gergoviae contamination.

With the RiboFlow® biomolecular test kits, SY-LAB provides very sensitive and specific test systems for the rapid screening of specific microorganisms, in accordance with ISO 18415.

RiboFlow® -P / EN –this single test offers a combined screening for the absence of Pseudomonas spp, and the entire Enterobacteriaceae group; therefore E.coli and Pluralibacter gergovie as well. A negative screening result allows for faster product release.

RiboFlow®-Enterobacteriaceae – for the specific detection of all genera in the Enterobacteriaceae group, which includes Pluralibacter gergoviae and Escherichia coli

RiboFlow® - Cosmetics – ideally suited for requirements of ISO 18415 for the rapid detection and differentiation of E. coli, P. aeruginosa, S. aureus, and C. albicans in cosmetic products. Well established, this kit has been in routine use for many years in the personal care sector.

Fast screening for the absence of P. gergoviae is therefore possible with both the RiboFlow®-Enterobacteriaceae and the RiboFlow® -P / EN.

Tests can be performed directly from all enrichment solutions according to ISO 18415 and also from enrichments from various rapid methods (impedance, cytometry, CO2 methods). Results are available within 20-25 minutes max. when taken directly from plates or broths.

The RiboFlow® tests can also be performed very quickly and easily using isolated colonies from agar plates.

Find out more about the RiboFlow® technology by clicking here.

Note: This content has been edited by a rapidmicrobiology staff writer for style and content.