

Legiolert is a liquid culture method that detects Legionella pneumophila (the primary cause of Legionnaires’ disease) in water samples, giving confirmed results within 7 days.

Principle: The Legiolert test detects Legionella pneumophila in potable and non-potable water samples. The Legiolert test is based on a bacterial enzyme detection technology that signals the presence of L. pneumophila through utilisation of the Legiolert reagent. L. pneumophila cells grow rapidly and reproduce using the rich supply of amino acids, vitamins and other nutrients present in the Legiolert reagent. Actively growing strains of L. pneumophila produce a brown colour indicator. The Legiolert test detects Legionella pneumophila at 1 organism in 100 mL within 7 days.

SCA Blue Book: Legiolert is specified in the Methods for the Examination of Waters and Associated Materials (Blue Book) complied by the UK Standing Committee of Analysts. Ref: The Determination of Legionella bacteria in waters and other environmental samples (2020) Legiolert (Part B).

A more exhaustive list of approvals is available on request

Key Points:



  • Specifically detects Legionella pneumophila, the primary cause of Legionnaires’ disease
  • Detects Legionella pneumophila with equal or greater accuracy than traditional spread plate culture methods.
  • Any brown colour and/or turbidity indicates a positive and minimises subjective result interpretation.


  • Delivers definitive culture results in 7 days without additional confirmation steps.
  • Streamlined workflow with less than 2 minutes of hands-on sample preparation time.
  • Quality control procedure can be done in 15 minutes.


  • Any brown colour and/or turbidity indicates a positive for Legionella pneumophila.
  • Ready-to-use reagents, no media preparation
  • Used with Quanti-Tray®/Legiolert for Most Probable Number (MPN) enumeration.