Management of Original Environmental Sampling Data

Colony count measurements are often manually entered into spreadsheets or forms; however, this written information cannot be regarded as original data. Some businesses read plates twice to verify data in order to address this issue, adding time and labor costs to the reading process.

In case of growth, once a sample has been handled, it is not possible to modify the appearance of the resulting plate and the traceability of the colony identification may be lost.

SherpaPharma has enabled the camera function on the handheld device to be able to take a photo of the plate when reading the colony count. This prevents tampering with the images and enhances compliance with Data Integrity by adding images to your results.

For trustworthy and efficient environmental monitoring, make documentation of your findings easier by taking a picture with your handheld cleanroom instrument.

Visit SherpaPharma for more, or use the Request Information button to contact the company directly.

Ernest Lluch 13-15, local 3
Cornellà de Llobregat
08940 Barcelona, Spain

+34 93 322 06 36

North America
SherpaPharma Inc.
98 Cuttermill Road, Suite 466 S
Great Neck, NY 11021, USA

+1 410-231-7008